Thursday, June 7, 2012

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Try this; in a Google search page, enter the word, 'Google.' How many results do you get? Over 2.5 Billion. Zap back to the mid-90's; two students named Larry Page & Sergey Brin are working on a new research project at Stanford University, California. Using the leading search engines of their day; Inktomi and AltaVista, they're entering the word 'Inktomi' into the Inktomi search engine and 'AltaVista' into the AltaVista search engine. How many results do you think they got; a Thousand? A Million? Zero. Larry & Sergey couldn't believe it. Because Inktomi and AltaVista search engines were the leaders, but couldn't beats by dr dre outlet even find their very own websites in an online search. This added to the boys' conviction. Now they were sure they'd soon be blasting the competition with their own new creation; Google. Google didn't get to be king of search and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) by thinking like everyone else. They worked 'outside the box' to develop an alternate plan of attack. The results; obscene profits and domination of the search engine world.
In short, Google used imagination to get where they are today. To beat competitors in your business category you must use imagination too. Here are 5 top techniques that'll boost your performance. While your ad is climbing the Results ladder, you'll be getting far more attention from prospective customers. Introducing these tips may take a little time and effort (perhaps that's why most advertisers aren't using them). But there are resources available to help you. What's more, these methods won't cost you a penny. 1. Tailor the Web Address Displayed in Your Ads Let's say Mr Smith is searching online for apples. Meanwhile, you own 'Fruit' dot-com. If you happen Beats By Dr.Dre Beats Pro to have the word, 'apples' in your ad's web address, when it comes to providing Mr Smith with his search results Google is going to love you. Problem is, you don't have the word, 'apples' in your existing web address. Well, there's an easy way to fix this. It's called a subdomain. Subdomains are a great way to ensure the keyword entered by your prospective customer, is actually displayed at the bottom your Google ad text. So let's create a subdomain using your web host's control panel, so that 'Apples' will be a subdomain of your existing site. This allows you to display 'Apples.Fruit' dot com as the ad's web address. Your ad will contain address text matching exactly what Mr Smith is seeking.
What's more, 'apples' will be highlighted in bold text. Result? A big, free boost for your ad. Most website hosts such as Network Solutions, Go Daddy and others will allow you to have 70 or more subdomains. So, you can have many tailored ads with different keywords in your address; 'Pears.Fruit' dot-com, 'Bananas.Fruit' dot-com - you get the idea. By the way; don't try to fool Google by entering a subdomain that doesn't exist. Within a matter of hours they'll catch you. And switch your ad off until you've fixed it. 2. Interesting Text Beats Boring Competitors' Cash As legendary ad man Claude Hopkins said many years ago; "Any studied attempt to sell, if apparent, creates corresponding resistance." Which is more interesting; 'Online Tax Services; we're the best,' or 'What the IRS doesn't Want You to Know?' The goal is to think creatively. Produce text so tempting, internet users yearn to learn more. So don't get in customers' faces - be subtle. Ease your way into their minds. Because ads that give people a real reason to click, work. You're limited only by your imagination. 3. Always Place the Keyword in Your Headline If you're bidding on the keyword, 'Hammers,' make sure the word 'Hammers' is in your headline. Google will then show cheap beats dre dre that word as bold text; a huge benefit. You'll need to create a number of tailored ads in order to make this work. Perhaps you'll have one ad for every 2 or 3 keywords. No problem - Google makes this quite easy. 4. Put the Price in Your Text People on the internet are busy. They want info - now. If you display a price of your product or service in your ad, you're likely providing them with more info than your competitors are. Get ready for more clicks. And more clicks means your position soars. 5. Be Frugal with Google Why pay for clicks that do you no good? Calendar studies show there's likely at least one day a week you'd have to be insane to run your ad. For example, if you're selling office supplies, it could be the weekend your ads should be off. If you're selling theme park tickets, it could be Mondays that make no sense for you. By studying your ad's daily click patterns you can discover the days or hours to put your ad to sleep. This saves you money. Money which can be spent later, and boost your ad during the proper times. After all, the goal is to save you money. Or, do you prefer to contribute unnecessarily to Larry & Sergey's Google retirement fund?

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